Quality Policy

Principles of Quality Management
The successful conduct and operation of a company requires a systematic and precise way of direction and leadership. One way to success lays in the introduction and maintenance of a management system aimed at continuous improvement by taking into account the requirements of all interested parties.
1. Customer Focus
The Company operates with its customers in focus and should therefore understand their present and future needs, fulfil their requirements and aim at exceeding their expectations.
2. Leadership
The managers are responsible for the internal and external direction of the Company. They create the prerequisites to allow the employees to be fully committed to accomplish the goals of the Company.
3. Involvement of People
The involvement of all employees of the Company on all hierarchical levels is an essential prerequisite for the commercial success and the continuous development of the Company. We support employees who contribute to the implementation of our quality management.
4. Process Oriented Approach
Our quality management essentially focuses on the organization of the internal processes of our Company. Aligning the processes to customer requirements constitutes an essential foundation for a positive operating result. We support our employees to develop a process-oriented approach.
5. System Oriented Management Approach
The effectiveness and efficiency of the Company is supported by recognizing, understanding, directing and governing mutually dependent processes as a system.

6. Continuous Improvement
Continuously improving the overall performance of the Company constitutes a permanent goal. We support initiatives for the ongoing development of our quality management system and of our organization.
7. Factual Approach for Decision Making
Effective decisions are based on an objective analysis of information and data.
8. Supplier Relations for Mutual Benefit
A company and its suppliers are mutually dependent. Mutually beneficial relationships increase the value creation to both sides.

9. Management Responsibility
The management ensures that the quality management system is able to reach the intended goals.
Undesired side effects are prevented as possible or at least reduced to a minimum. System faults are systematically investigated in a way to continuously improve the management system.
The management is committed to fulfil all requirements that are either of legal nature or self-imposed.
The management is committed to design targeted measures to deal with risks and opportunities. It initiates the required actions to integrate them into the management system and supervises their implementation. The design includes a method for assessing the effectiveness of these measures.
The principles of quality management constitute the foundation to our way of thinking and acting. 04/2018