Technical Article in Transformer Magazine 07/2021
+++ July 2021 +++
Technical Article in Transformer Magazine 07/2021

Our innovative range of materials and products for liquid-filled transformers.
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Schweizer Compendium
+++ July 2016 +++
Schweizer Compendium

Schweizer Compendium
+++ Juni 2016 +++
Schweizer Compendium

As a member of the EWIS (Electrical Winding & Insulation Systems) professional organization inside ZVEI (German Federation of the Electrical and Electronics Industry), we would like to present to you the guideline regarding the application of the railway fire safety norm EN 45545-2 to electrical insulation materials. Being entered into force on 1st of April, 2016, the norm EN 45545-2 defines a common European standard for the fire safety requirements of all materials used in passenger railway vehicles.
PDFSchweizer Kompendium
+++ September 2015 +++
Schweizer Kompendium

Als Mitglied des ZVEI-Fachverbands EWIS stellen wir Ihnen das Isolations-Merkblatt Nr. 1 in der neu überarbeiteten Version (09/2015) vor.
» PDF des Isolations-Merkblatts